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Modeling the Impact of Airport Deicing/Anti-icing Activities on the Dissolved Oxygen Levels in the Receiving Waterways

The efficacy of the environmental management system (EMS) at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) in capturing spent aircraft deicing fluids to prevent their discharge into receiving waterways was investigated by Bancha Ariyajunya and Victoria C. P. Chen from the University of Texas at Arlington, Prashant K. Tarun from Missouri Western State University, and Seoung Bum Kim from Korea University. To evaluate the airport’s EMS claim, two decision tree models were built: one with anti-icing glycol usage as a predictor variable, and one with separated deicing glycol usage and anti-icing glycol usage as predictor variables. For the full paper, please visit the JWMM:

Modeling the Impact of Airport Deicing/Anti-icing Activities on the Dissolved Oxygen Levels in the Receiving Waterways