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"Numerical Modeling of Water Flow in Permeable Friction Course Pavement During Rainfall Considering Rainfall Intensity and Suction Pressure", by Phuong Khanh Chau, Anh Tuan Le, Thai Minh Chanh Tran, Thi Thanh Thanh Tran, Bich Duyen Diep, Tan Hung Nguyen

The Journal of Water Management Modeling is happy to announce the publication of “Numerical Modeling of Water Flow in Permeable Friction Course Pavement During Rainfall Considering Rainfall Intensity and Suction Pressure” by Phuong Khanh Chau, Anh Tuan Le, Thai Minh Chanh Tran, Thi Thanh Thanh Tran, Bich Duyen Diep, Tan Hung Nguyen as part of SCNSU 2024. Visit to read this and other open access publications.