Interaction between surface water and groundwater is an important consideration under some hydrologic/hydraulic conditions. While it is sufficient to consider only the overland flow runoff for many modeling situations, natural streamflow can combine both overland flow and subsurface flow. This is the case where there is a large proportion of pervious areas (with permeable soils) and in rural areas. Under these situations, flow hydrograph may be significantly impacted by the contribution from groundwater. The recession limb of a flow hydrograph can especially exhibit the effect of groundwater. EPA SWMM5 supports near-surface groundwater processes (interflow) using two-compartment (unsaturated and saturated zones) aquifer objects that can interact with surface/subsurface hydraulic components.
This specialized PCSWMM and EPA SWMM5 workshop is intended for new and experienced modelers interested in building skills in modeling groundwater. It covers different applications of surface water-groundwater interactions, including stream flow simulations and tile drains, and discusses its potential use in RDII analysis. From this course, the attendees will understand surface water-groundwater interaction basics, functionality, and limitations of groundwater modeling in SWMM through presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises.
PCSWMM will be used throughout the workshop to speed learning and program execution and enhance understanding the underlying EPA SWMM5 processes. Participants will develop the necessary skill and confidence to explore and effectively apply the official EPA SWMM5 hydrology/hydraulics engine. During this course you will have an opportunity to learn from a live instructor during scheduled live sessions.
You will receive full workshop details prior to the workshop. If you have any questions or comments, please contact our workshop coordinator.
Intermediate – Advanced