Online training
Aug 12, 2025

Wastewater models are commonly used for optimizing hydraulic performance, managing operations and maintenance, and minimizing or preventing combined sewer overflows (CSO) and sanitary sewer overflows (SSO). Wastewater flows resulting from urban and industrial processes include sanitary flows, groundwater interactions, rainfall dependent inflow and infiltration, and in the case of combined systems, stormwater. Although the set-up of a wastewater model is similar to a stormwater model, there are several additional considerations (including force mains) necessary for the development of a reliable SWMM5 wastewater model.

This workshop will present strategies for developing, calibrating and inferring results from a wastewater model. Emphasis will be put on the characterization of dry weather flow contributions from urban sources, rainfall dependant inflow, and infiltration and groundwater inflow. Specialized tools available in PCSWMM will be introduced that streamline the building of common wastewater model components including establishing time patterns and estimating wastewater generation rate based on land use, sewershed population, water meter readings/billing (water consumption) or peaking factors.

Participants will develop the necessary skill and confidence to explore and apply the official EPA SWMM5 hydrology/hydraulics engine effectively in a wastewater modeling capacity. PCSWMM will be used throughout the workshop to speed learning and program execution, and to enhance the understanding of the underlying EPA SWMM5 processes. During this course you will have an opportunity to learn from a live instructor during scheduled live sessions.

You will receive full workshop details with the course login details, prior to the workshop. If you have any questions or comments, please contact our workshop coordinator.


Intermediate – Advanced


1-day: 0.75 CEUs




Workshop Fees

What We Provide

What You Will Need



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Please note ALL prices are subject to applicable taxes.

Student Discount

As a full-time student, I qualify for the 30% discount.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations prior to 14 calendar days before the workshop will be refunded in full. Cancellations received within 14 days but prior to 7 calendar days before the workshop will forfeit 50% of the registration fee. Cancellations received less than 7 days before the workshop will not be refunded; however, registrants will be eligible for a 50% credit towards any future workshop.

CHI retains the right to cancel the workshop. If the workshop is canceled registrants will receive a full refund of the registration fee. CHI will not be liable for any other expenses occurred by the registrant. Normally, cancellation will not occur within 7 days of the date of the workshop.

If you have any questions, please email info@chiwater.com, or call us at 1-519-767-0197 or 1-888-972-7966.