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Surface Water and Integrated 1D-2D Modelling with EPA SWMM5 and PCSWMM Workshops


March 8-10, 2016


Durban, South Africa

We are pleased to announce 3-days of hands-on training workshops on EPA SWMM5 and PCSWMM.

The first 2 days of workshops cover an introduction to EPA SWMM5 and PCSWMM, as well as Green Infrastructure (GSI/SuDS/LIDs) and integrated 1D-2D flood modeling relevant to the global warming trends currently being experienced. Day 3 will cover integrated surface water modelling with specific focus on watershed applications.

The workshops build on each other. Depending on your interest and level of experience, you can choose to attend any or all days to earn up to 3 CPDs. In any case, you will be able to advance your professional skills and learn how EPA SWMM5 and PCSWMM can improve your modelling efforts.

All attendees will be provided with a full 60-day software license of PCSWMM Professional 2D, as well as the EPA SWMM5 software and access to an extensive collection of new online learning materials and all digital course documentation.



Day 1: Introduction to EPA SWMM5 and PCSWMM 
Designed with the beginner in mind, the first day will focus on the basics including SWMM5 hydrology and hydraulics, building a new stormwater/sanitary model from scratch, hydrologic parameterization, storage facility design, dual drainage system design and GIS data integration. Other topics covered include design storm system analysis, continuous water quality simulations and introduction to climate change modelling.

Day 2: Intermediate/advanced use of EPA SWMM5 and PCSWMM: Green Infrastructure and integrated 1D-2D modelling
This workshop will provide an in-depth look at new green infrastructure modelling capabilities in PCSWMM and EPA SWMM5 including green roofs, bio-retention, permeable pavement, rain barrels, infiltration trenches, rain gardens, vegetative swales and rooftop disconnection. Other topics include creating a DEM-based river model, sensitivity, calibration and error analysis, automatic watershed delineation and parameterization, importing HEC-RAS data sets for watershed flood analysis, and output analysis and inference.

Day 3: Introduction to Watershed Modelling
For users who have attended days 1 & 2 or have attended a previous SWMM/PCSWMM workshop, this workshop will provide an in-depth look at integrated 1D-2D model development and results interpretation for watershed flood analysis, urban flooding and dual-drainage analysis using a 2D overland mesh and post-processing. Other topics covered include flow duration curve analysis, long-term rainfall disaggregation and correcting run errors for a subwatershed model.​


Chris Brooker BSc(Eng), MSc(Eng), PrEng has been a consulting engineer specializing in environmental water related subjects and hydraulic structures since 1982. In 2001 he opened a practice in South Africa offering specialist consulting services mainly to other consulting engineers. He is an external examiner and Honorary Senior Lecturer in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at The University of the Witwatersrand, and occasional external examiner and visiting lecturer in the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Pretoria. Chris has authored numerous journal papers and conference presentations.

Onno Fortuin, B Eng, GDE, Pr Eng​ is a consulting engineer with over 20 years experience implementing mining projects throughout South Africa.  In 2008, Mr. Fortuin opened a practice providing consulting services with a focus on environmental and surface water engineering.  Since then he has had the opportunity to apply PCSWMM and EPA SWMM5 in a wide variety of advanced mine surface water modelling applications. Mr. Fortuin is a member of the Engineering Council of SA and the SA institution of Civil Engineering. 


Full 3-days of workshops:

March 8-10 
Cost: $625 US (~R8165)

2-day introduction and intermediate workshop:

March 8-9
Cost: $530 US (~R6920)

1-day integrated flood modelling with focus on watershed modelling:

March 10
Cost: $320 US (~R4180)

All full-time students will receive a 30% discount on registration

Registrants will receive detailed venue and workshop information closer to the training date. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at meghan@chiwater.com

We would be grateful if you could forward this announcement to any interested colleagues. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there.


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