This PCSWMM and EPA SWMM5 workshop focuses on getting both new and advanced users up to speed on the full capabilities of these two modeling packages. Learn the theory, tools and practical hands-on applications of hydrologic and hydraulic modeling for stormwater, wastewater and watershed systems.
Special emphasis on system design, system remediation and green infrastructure (LIDs). Advanced topics include integrated 1D-2D and watershed flood modeling. You can attend the full 2 day workshop (for beginner and intermediate skill levels) or just the advanced workshop on Day 2 (for returning attendees).
Earn 1.5 CEUs for participating in the 2-Day workshop. Earn 0.75 CEUs for participating in the 1-Day Advanced workshop.
Please note that a minimum number of registrations are needed by October 11, 2017 for the workshop to proceed. Please register early to avoid cancellation.