Virtual PCSWMM + EPA SWMM5 training courses on Monday, February 27 and Tuesday, Feburary 28, 2023, leading up to the conference.
The PCSWMM + EPA SWMM5 workshops focus on getting both new and advanced users up to speed on the capabilities of these two integrated modeling packages. Learn the practical hands-on applications of hydrologic and hydraulic modeling for stormwater, wastewater and watershed systems. Special emphasis is on drainage system planning and analysis using both single event and continuous modeling.
Day 1 will introduce the theory, concepts, and tools available for EPA SWMM5 stormwater and wastewater modeling using PCSWMM. Day 2 covers more advanced topics, including green infrastructure (LIDs), integrated 1D-2D and watershed flood modeling. You can choose to attend the full two-day workshop, or attend either day 1 or 2 depending on your skill level. The advanced workshop on day 2 is suggested for returning attendees.
You can earn up to 1.5 CEUs for participating in the 2-day full training, and up to 0.75 CEUs for participating in the 1-day beginner or advanced workshops.