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LID, Integrated 1D-2D, Stormwater & Watershed Modeling with PCSWMM and EPA SWMM5


September 28 - 29, 2016


Burnaby, BC


Register before September 2, 2016 to receive the early bird discounted rate available on this workshop. 


Computational Hydraulics Int. (CHI) will be hosting a PCSWMM/SWMM5 training course in Burnaby, BC. Earn up to 1.5 CEUs while advancing your professional skills and learning what PCSWMM has to offer.

Please join us for any of the following training days and you will be provided with a 60-day software license of PCSWMM Professional 2D.

For new and intermediate PCSWMM users, the 2-day course explores the latest PCSWMM interface and acquaints users with enhanced state-of-the-art tools to streamline work flow.

Day 1: Introduction to PCSWMM/SWMM5 modeling, the PCSWMM interface, building a new stormwater/sanitary model, hydrology and hydraulics overview, in-line storage facility design, subcatchment parameterization using external GIS layers, system evaluation using design storms, error analysis and water quality modeling.

Day 2: Introduction to Low Impact Development (LID), evaluation of in-stream erosion, introduction to PCSWMM 2D, model calibration, importing HEC-RAS data sets, correcting run errors, flow duration curve analysis and long-term rainfall disaggregation.

Designed with the experienced PCSWMM user in mind, the 1-day advanced course builds on previous PCSWMM knowledge to sharpen and enhance your software usage.


2-Day Workshop:
Wednesday, September 28 and Thursday, September 29, 2016
Price: $995 - Early bird $895 until September 2

The fee for the 2-day workshop includes a 60-day license of PCSWMM Professional 2D software and all documentation and instructional materials, including a digital version of the User's Guide to SWMM5. Participation in this workshop earns 1.5 CEUs.

1-Day Advanced Workshop:
Thursday, September 28, 2016
Price: $495 - Early bird $445 until September 2

The fee for the 1-day workshop includes a 60-day license of PCSWMM Professional 2D software and online access to the Urban Drainage Modeling Workbook. Participation in this workshop earns 0.75 CEU.

It is highly recommended that attendees have already participated in PCSWMM training or have taken the online course as the focus of this training is to progress existing skills and familiarize existing users to the latest version of PCSWMM.

All full-time students will receive a 30% discount on registration

For more information about the course outline for the 2-day training and the 1-day Advanced training, please visit our workshop page.

You will receive a follow up email with detailed venue and workshop information the week prior to the training. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at meghan@chiwater.com

Please take a moment to forward to a colleague.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there.


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CHI | 147 Wyndham Street North | Suite 202 | Guelph | Ontario | N1H 4E9 | Canada